Specialist in financial management of development projects since 2009, Oumar Ouattara began his career on projects financed by the European Development Fund (EDF) before joining the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He is currently the Secretary General of the National Public Procurement Regulatory Authority of Côte d’Ivoire.
In September 2023, he will defend his Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA), on the theme “the typological analysis of the decisions of the national public procurement regulatory authority in terms of violations of public procurement rules in Côte d’Ivoire during the pre-contractual phase” under the direction of Professor Hélène Delacour, Professor at the IAE Nancy School of Management and member of the CEREFIGE research laboratory at the University of Lorraine.
Thesis Direction
Pr Hélène Delacour
Thesis Title
Typological analysis of the decisions of the national public procurement regulatory authority concerning violations of public procurement regulations in Côte d’Ivoire during the pre-contractual crisis
Public procurement represents the first method of execution of the investment budget of Côte d’Ivoire. Indeed, budget appropriations subject to procurement procedures represented 66.2% in 2018, 69.1% in 2019 and 90.2% in 2020, of the investment budget of the state of Côte d’Ivoire.
In order to ensure the regulation of this important sector for the country’s economy, a Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ANRMP) was created in Côte d’Ivoire in 2009. Its main mission is to ensure the application public procurement regulations. This independent administrative authority rendered between 2011 and 2019, more than one hundred and sixty (160) decisions. As part of our research, it was a question of analyzing the typology of decisions rendered by this regulatory body in terms of violations of public procurement regulations. This synthetic and structural analysis of the corpus of decisions taken within the framework of the investigation of non-judicial appeals which are brought to the ANRMP has led to an inductive categorization of the violations committed in the pre-contractual phase of the award of contracts. public contracts as well as a classification of the resulting decisions. The link between the types of appeal, the types of violation that were the subject of these appeals and the resulting decisions have been scientifically established in our work. Ultimately, the aim was to show the impact of ANRMP decisions on violations of public procurement regulations and their impact on the public procurement system in Côte d’Ivoire. Our research has also made it possible to make proposals for levers on which public procurement actors can act in order to reduce regulatory violations and improve as well as the more diligent provision of social services to populations, end beneficiaries of public procurement in Ivory Coast.Thus, to achieve these results, we used a mixed methodology: an exploratory phase based on a documentary study, participant observation within the ANRMP and an investigation phase based on a questionnaire addressed to a sample of around thirty characteristic public actors in charge of the main public procurement functions.