Damien Mourey is a university professor at the Université de la Polynésie française (UPF) and member of the research lab IDHES (Institutions et dynamiques historiques de l’économie et de la société).
He graduated from ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris) in 1994 and worked for different companies (Indosuez Bank in Kenya, Unilever and Carrefour) as financial analyst, management accountant and financial director within the Supply Chain Management Europe department (SCME) of the Carrefour Group.
He joined the IAE de Paris – Sorbonne Graduate Business School – in 2004 and his PhD was awarded the AFC-FNEGE (Association Francophone de Comptabilité) prize in 2009.
He conducts research on the control and governance of inter-organizational relationships, supply chain management, commercial negotiation, public management and, also, on Civil Society Organizations (cooperatives, foundations, think-tank, lobbying organizations, social enterprises, social entrepreneurs etc.).
He is vice-scientific Director of the Chair Management and Governance of Financial Cooperative (MGFC) at IAE de Paris. He has published papers in several academic international and French Journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS), Scandinavian Journal of Management (SJM), Voluntas, Non Profit Quarterly, @GRH, Revue Française de Gestion, Gérer & Comprendre. He has a long-lasting experience of lecturing for part-time business programs both in English and French in China, Vietnam, Mauritius Island, Prague, Beirut and Senegal.