Kamel Mnisri holds a PhD in Management Sciences with international work experience at IBM. His academic research focuses on the intersection of leadership, creativity and business ethics. His PhD research project focused on the development of creativity applied to the organization. This research aimed to understand the current conceptual models of creativity management and established links between creativity management practices and creativity development within communication consultancies. Kamel is one of the co-founders of the ARTEM conference on organizational creativity and sustainable development. As a Business Partner Representative, I was responsible for client relations with IBM Business Partners in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. This role required ownership, coordination and execution of the fulfilment process. Kamel is regularly invited to speak on topics such as management, leadership and creativity at corporate, academic and professional conferences. Some examples: Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, MEDEF 54, SENELEC Senegal, CFAO Group, Gainde 2000-Senegal, Paperjam-Luxembourg and ArcelorMittal University.