Digital DBA n°3 (2024)

Khalil Khoreibani was a former Tax Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers Beirut Office for two years, turned Managing Partner of a family business in steel manufacturing and wholesale since 2010. Additionally, serves as a Voluntary Founder and Manager of a CODE (Commission Universitaire pour le Développement), dedicated to fundraising scholarships for brilliant Ivorian students to pursue studies in prestigious Lebanese universities. Founder and President of the AUB Alumni Chapter in Ivory Coast, Khalil also co-founded and managed Zakka Multitec Côte d’Ivoire, specializing in F&B machine sales from 2013 to 2016.

He will defend his thesis in March 2024 on the theme “”Comprehensive Analysis of BPI (Business Process Integration) as a mediator between Trust and Performance in Organizations in Ivory Coast,”” under the supervision of Pr. Marc Valax, professor at IAE Nice School of Management, Université Côte d’Azur – France.

Thesis Direction

Pr Marc Valax

Thesis Title

Comprehensive analysis of BPI (Business Process Integration) as a mediator between trust and performance


Performance in the workplace is one of the most critical aspects of organizational success. This success is usually measured using economic metrics (sales, profit, ROI, etc.) and operational metrics (productivity, cycle time, quality, customer satisfaction, competitiveness). At the same time, factors such as technological deployment, regulatory rules, corporate culture (mission, value, beliefs, and norms), organizational design, human motivated behavior, cohesiveness, and trust are used to gauge performance. Numerous scholars have examined the ways in which interpersonal trust in particular impacts employees’ behavior in the workplace and ultimately their performance. Specifically, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between trust and organizations’ workforce performance by examining the role of Business Process Integration (BPI) in mediating that relationship. We will study the effects of BPI on the multiple levels and aspects of the relationship between trust and performance based on a qualitative case study of 10 companies in the developing country of Ivory Coast.