KEDI MOUKO Eric-Fabrice, DBA

DBA à distance n°2 (2023)

Eric Fabrice KEDI MOUKO is the President and General Manager of the Bercail Group in Cameroon. He holds a Master’s degree in Strategic and Operational Management from the International Institute of Water and Environment in 2016. He is currently the Mayor of the Commune of OMBESSA in Cameroon.

He will submit on 31 March 2023 his Executive Doctorate in Business Administration on the theme: Influence of marketing intelligence on the determinants of the commercial performance of SMEs in the fish farming sector in Cameroon.

Thesis Direction

Pr Diop Sall Fatou

Thesis Title

Influence of marketing intelligence on the determinants of the commercial performance of SMEs in the fish farming sector in Cameroon.


Our study focuses on the positive effects of the marketing intelligence process on the determinants of the commercial performance of small and medium production units in the fish farming sector. In seeking to establish this link, the empirical study carried out with key players in the sector shows how an SME in the fish farming sector can rely on marketing intelligence techniques to improve its commercial performance. Based on the theory of networks, research has been able to show that by placing the customer at the heart of its business strategy, a small and medium-sized fish farming unit could build networks that are strong enough by the quality of the links established between its members. to support each other and strengthen their development potential. The qualitative study on the case of the Bercail agro company shows that it can increase its customer portfolio by being attentive to market developments and relying on its relational networks. Thus the dynamics of the market and the interactions between the actors must be controlled to guarantee the sustainability of the commercial performance acquired for this purpose.