KAMDJOU Alexis Noël, DBA

Douala n°3 (2024)

Regional Head of Public Health in Francophone Africa at Vestergaard since 2017, Alexis Noel Kamdjou began his career as a Medical Representative at Aventis Pharma in 2002. Since 2013, he has been an expert in projects and programs related to the fight against malaria.

In September 2024, he defended his Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (EDBA) on the theme “Action Learning Coordination within Malaria Control Stakeholders: Case of Mosquito Nets Distribution during COVID-19 in Benin” under the supervision of Professor Paul Beaulieu at UQAM.

Thesis Direction

Pr Beaulieu Paul

Thesis Title

Coordinating learning in action within malaria control communities: the case of mosquito net distribution during Covid-19 in Benin
