Emmanuel Kamdem holds a research supervisor certification (HDR) in sociology (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France). He is a professor at ESSEC Business School, University of Douala (Cameroon).
He was appointed Director of this School from January 1999 until June 2017. Visiting professor and lecturer in several African, French and Canadian academic institutions, he is author and co-author of 8 books and 38 articles on intercultural management, diversity management, organizational behavior, and time management in the African context.
At the national level, he works as a business consultant and has provided academic, pedagogic and scientific support to several private institutes of higher education institutions in Cameroon. He is co-founder, president of the scientific and educational committee of the Higher Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (IME) of Douala, Cameroon.
Recent publications include: Kamdem E. et Mutabazi E. (dir), (2017). Le management en Afrique : entre universalité et contingence, Paris, L’Harmattan; Kamdem E. (dir.), (2016). Innovation entrepreneuriale et développement durable en Afrique : défis et opportunités, Paris, L’Harmattan; Kamdem E. (avec la collaboration de Nkakleu R.), (2015). Profils et pratiques d’entrepreneurs camerounais : expériences et témoignages, Paris, L’Harmattan.