IAE Aix-Marseille Université

Kiane Goudarzi is full Professor at iaelyon School of Business, Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3.

He is currently Director of the MBA programme at the IAE, Deputy Director of the Magellan Research Centre and DBA Site Manager for Business Science Institute in Shanghai. He is a specialist in Marketing and Service Management. His PhD in Management from Aix Marseille University (PhD supervisor P. Eiglier) focused on the socialisation of service customers within the organisation. He received 1st prize for the best PhD in Marketing in 2006 and also won a prize from a practitioner committee for the best PhD in Management in 2005. He organizes the Lalonde service conference on service management known worldwide in the service research community.

His research and consulting projects focus on customer role management (co-client roles, logistics roles), Customer Relationship Management (customer experience, service quality, satisfaction, complaint management, socialization, trust and organizational identification), frontline employee management and its impact on customer satisfaction (frontline employee role in service brands, emotional labour, employee well-being and customer satisfaction) and the transition to service of industrial companies (servitization).

He has worked with many public and private organizations (Nantes Local Authority, Besançon City Hall, IKEA, Conforama, Barrières Casinos, Ubisoft, SNCF …). His research has been published in the following journals: Recherches et Applications Marketing, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Service Management, International Review of Administrative Science, Revue Française de Gestion, Décisions Marketing and Politique et Management public.