Geneva n°6 (2023)

Michel Generelli began his career in the world of technology. After graduating first in electronic second in software engineering, he acted two years in the former and three years in the latter, he switched to management. First as project manager in the global reengineering of an international industrial group, then as head of the production management department, before seizing the opportunity to redirect his career towards management, finance, and teaching. To take on his new roles, he acquired the necessary training (Master of Business Administration, Master in controlling, Chartered expert in financial and managerial accounting). After almost 20 years’ experience as head of controlling for various industrial groups (listed and unlisted), he assumes, for several years, CFO positions in international companies.

In September 2023, under Professor Marc Bonnet supervision, University Professor in Management Science at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, he will be defending his Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) thesis on the theme: ” Impact of the preservation and transmission of know-how in Swiss industrial companies – Case study of an organizational development initiative focusing on the preservation and transmission of know-how in a precision metallurgy company in French-speaking part of Switzerland”. His research mainly focuses on the qualimetric evaluation of the social and economic performances of know-how preservation and transmission actions implemented in companies.

Thesis Direction

Pr Marc Bonnet

Thesis Title

The safeguarding and transmission of know-how as a response to dysfunctions in Swiss industrial companies. Case of an organisational development action focused on the preservation and transmission of know-how in an industrial company in French-speaking Switzerland.
