Thesis Direction
Pr Christophe Fournier
Thesis Title
Negotiation, dissemination and implementation of CSR: The case of the Air France KLM Group
The objective of this research is to focus on the negotiation that is currently taking place between several actors (political, economic, social), concerning the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within a European airline company: Air France-KLM. To do this, we mobilize the theory of stakeholders. Thus, after having presented in a first chapter the different challenges of the air transport sector in terms of sustainable development, we examine in a second chapter the different theoretical approaches of CSR that allow us to explain the implications and modalities of such a change. In chapters 3 and 4, we compare these theoretical frameworks with the results of interviews conducted at different levels of the same organization. Indeed, to take an interest in an airline company is to understand the complexity of implementing a vision and a policy related to the energy transition while the equation on the end of fossil resources has not yet been resolved. This is the challenge of this study which, thanks to a qualitative survey, allows us to understand the different internal and external variables that constitute and justify the application of the CSR policy of the Air France KLM group.