IAE de Bordeaux

Docteur, HDR and Agrégé en Sciences de Gestion, Pascal Barneto is a university professor at the IAE of Bordeaux, of which he was deputy director and then temporary administrator.

He is currently director of the research unit (IRGO – Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations – EA 4190) and responsible for the DU Research in Management Sciences and the Executive DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration).

He has published – alone and in collaboration – numerous research articles and books, including Les Mécanismes Financiers de la Titrisation (Lavoisier Hermès), Les Instruments Financiers en Normes IFRS (Dunod), the DSCG Finance de l’UE 2 manual (Dunod) and Variations autour des PME et ETI (EMS).

His current research interests include corporate financing strategies, the carbon market and the integration of IFRS standards into the financial statements of listed companies.