IAE Economie & Management – Nantes Université

Claire Gauzente is a professor at the Institute of Economics and Management, IAE of Nantes, France.

Initially trained in Management Science (PhD), Claire Gauzente also graduated in visual arts (with a focus on printed arts and artists’ books) and creative writing.

As a postdisciplinary researcher, her research and art interests pertain to human subjectivity, degrowth and ecopolitics, book arts (writing, printing, calligraphying) and gender issues.

Her latest publication is a leporello account of the workshop « Trouble in my/our bodie/s » Gauzente C. coord. (2021), Mon corps troublé·e·s, Éditions du 18 e Parallèle, (isbn 978-2-9579004-0-4), with contributions of C. Douillard, A. Michon, M. Jahjah, P. Kuntz, Y.F. Pouchus, D. Zerbib, N. Sulmont.